Armed robbers are on the rampage in Abuja, but the @PoliceNG is deliberately downplaying it, while the press is underreporting it. The Federal Capital Territory is not safe at all.
Men of the underworld are now enjoying a filled day of robberies unchecked. Their latest attacks are on innocent residents of Asokoro and Guzape.
They go from house to house in the wee hours of the night, robbing residents of their valuables, while inflicting serious injuries on their victims.The latest of such attacks, happened around Asokoro, within the vicinity where the Minister of FCT, Wike resides. Infact along the same street the FCT Minister lives. The robbers were so emboldened, that they spent quality time robbing residents, one after the other.
They were over 20 in number, as They forced themselves into different homes, speaking Hausa language, while wielding dangerous weapons, which includes machetes and Guns. They attacked Dadi’s Apartment, Nepa Office Linder Chalker street kuruduma 1, beside AIT station Asokoro, While the FCT minister’s house is at Kasuwan-Dere, Linda Chalker street by IOM. He was even at home, during the robbery.
The robbers took valuables from their victims. From electronic gadgets, to laptops, phone, cash, jewelries and ATM cards. Forced them on gunpoint to give out their card pins, after beating and inflicting heavy injuries on them. Despite all the noise, cries and shouting, there was no police presence all through out the robbery.
Even those police men guarding V.I.P’S along the street, didn’t show up. After the robbers had successfully robbed and left, injured and bleeding victims were rushed to the hospital, but they we’re rejected.
The hospital was demanding for police report before treating. They had no choice than to go to the FCT minister’s house, to beg him to wade in, so they could be treated. And to also witness their ordeal first hand.
But they were stopped by his security details. Who informed them that the minister can not see them, because he is still asleep. But they promised to inform him, whenever he wakes up. Insecurity is closer to home, than you could ever imagine.
Imagine a successful Robbery on the same street where the FCT minister lives and sleeps daily in Abuja.