The last day has seen me banned from LinkedIn for expressing my doubts about the so-called shooting of Trump, who now conveniently wears a bandage on his ear. I’ve been told to upload my passport to identify myself because Trump supporters feel upset that I doubt their hero was ever in any danger. Apparently, he was shot, yet he went out to play golf the next day, showing no injury marks on the ear they claim was shot.
Banned for expressing my view, branded a conspiracy theorist and left-wing fanatic. I doubt very much anyone who knows me would call me left-wing. Old friends are upset that I dared critique Donald, insisting that nothing I write about him is true and that I should know better. To these dunderheads, the criminal charges are all fabricated, the allegations of sexual abuse are all lies, and any negative news about Trump is just left-wing propaganda. These guys are highly educated professionals.
To think a low-life scumbag like Trump can have this effect on good men and women is amazing. It’s part of the great evil we are all in now, a time of great distress and darkness where nothing logical counts anymore. I told two of my friends to go fuck themselves, calling them out for their inferiority complexes and intellectual corruption.
I’ve uploaded my passport for the fifth time in three months to that horrible platform LinkedIn, which keeps on harassing me. The fact that I am not easily intimidated angers a lot of small-minded people who think the world revolves around them and their kind of nonentities. This madness crosses ethnic lines, affecting both black and white Trump supporters alike.
I long for the day that normality returns, where logic prevails, and good people are once again the respected ones.
Trump #AssassinationAttempt #Censorship #LinkedInBan #FreeSpeech #PoliticalMadness