Author: Webmaster

Renowned Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga, often called the “Nostradamus of the Balkans,” made several alarming predictions about the future. Among her most notable is the claim that the end times will start in 2025 with a devastating conflict in Europe. This event is expected to trigger a chain of catastrophic events, ultimately leading to humanity’s downfall by 5079. Her timeline includes: 2025: A conflict in Europe that will devastate the population. 2028: Discovery of a new energy source and a mission to Venus. 2033: Significant rise in sea levels due to the melting of the polar ice caps. 2076: The…

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Usha Chilukuri Vance, the wife of Ohio Senator and vice-presidential candidate J.D. Vance, recently faced criticism for making racially insensitive comments about Vice President Kamala Harris. This incident has ignited discussions on race, caste, and identity within the Indian-American community and beyond. Usha Chilukuri, born to Indian immigrants and raised in San Diego, has an impressive academic and professional background. She graduated from Yale University, earned a Master of Philosophy from the University of Cambridge, and received her law degree from Yale Law School. She has clerked for Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and currently…

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Today marks the 17th day of his disappearance. The old Peaceful Professor, was sitting in the confine of his residence here in our midst, when he was kidnapped by unknown Persons to an unknown destination. Everything remains calm as if nothing has happened.As it is now, People are beginning to forget the cruel incident and start to go about their normal businesses!!Not even the Government has made any Pronounment about it. Arise My People.. My People Arise!!!Let’s Bombard ALL Social Media Platforms with where is our Prof. Femi Olaofe? I think we MUST not be quiet at this Crucial Moment…

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The current governing council of Wigwe University has removed all the expatriates. This includes the VC and all the Deputy Vice Chancellors. They now want to turn it to an ordinary Nigerian university. This is not Herbert Wigwe’s dream for this university and this must never happen. The goal is to be the Ivy League Standard University. All the team members that worked closely with Herbert Wigwe to build this fearless vision has been removed by the governing council. We can’t loose Herbert Wigwe twice. This is his biggest dream he has and we should never let it die.

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In a shocking revelation, a Canada-based Nigerian Medical Doctor, who identified himself simply as Doctor Zoe, has posited that Nigerian politicians cannot make it to heaven, adding that their greed is too much. The medical doctor, in a viral video shared on X, disclosed a telephone conversation with a federal office holder in Nigeria. According to Zoe, the unnamed office holder called him to assist him in purchasing his fourth house in Canada amidst the economic challenges facing the country. According to the Professor of Medicine, the Nigerian public office holder had reached out to him based on his previous…

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The First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Senator Oluremi Tinubu says, to expand the food sufficiency drive in Nigeria and make it sustainable, initiatives in the agricultural sector must be set up to encourage children and youth to become young farmersSenator Oluremi Tinubu stated this when she received the Management team of the National Agricultural Development Fund, NADFUND who were in her office to explore areas of collaboration.She noted that the unavailability of farming land due to urbanization should not be a hindrance, as people can engage in smart gardening.“We have a lot to show our youth and…

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A 14-year-old boy has died of the Nipah virus in southwest India. Indian authorities are taking measures to prevent an outbreak of this so-called “horror virus.” About 100 people who came into contact with the boy have been placed in isolation. People in the Indian state of Kerala are advised to wear mouth masks in public places and avoid contact with vulnerable people. The ‘horror virus’ occurs in bats but is transmissible to humans. The virus can also be transmitted via pigs. Those who get infected are at high risk of death as there is no vaccine against the virus.…

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