A Nigerian female model with facial tribal marks, an embroidery artist and teachers who specializes in giving Haute Couture classess refuses to be a victim…. She is strong, bold and confident to have dealt with the inferiority and lower self esteem that comes with facial tribal markings a sign of culture!
Elle s'est longtemps cachée, a été brimée et a même pensé au suicide : @AdetutuoJ8811 fait ses premiers pas sur les podiums et se sert de son image pour lutter contre les scarifications faites aux jeunes Africaines. #TribalMarks pic.twitter.com/cvPrpTTJIt
— AJ+ français (@ajplusfrancais) November 10, 2018
Eleven Paz (@adetutuoj8811
I have been doing this campaign to get through @rihanna on all my social media handle… Yeah.. I have tribal marks and want to model for her. I need my Nigerian peeps to help get through to her.