{1}Commissioner of Police under the new arrangement will get up to N1.5 million, while Deputy & Assistant Commissioners of Police get N531,000 & N483,000 respectively.
{2} A Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) gets N419, 000 while a Superintendent of Police (SP) gets N342, 000.
{3} A Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) gets N321, 000 while an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) 1 & II under the new arrangement will get N296, 000 & N271, 000 respectively.
{4} Inspector of Police 1 & II get N254, 000 & N167, 000 while a Sergeant major, Sergeant & Corporal get N119,000, N96, 000 & N88, 000 respectively.
{5} A Police Constable I and II get N86, 000 & N84, 000 respectively
The new salary & rent structure approved took effect from 1st Nov & would be funded from the treasury.