The appointment of the Dr. Pius Egberannwen Odubu is an illustration of the words of Rubbert Schuylerthat
“Tough times never last but tough people do. The appointment is very strategic, apt, timely and worth celebrating.
This appointment is very historic because this is the first time an Edo man is appointed to that top office in NDDC since it Creation by General Olusegun Obasanjo in the year. 2000, it is also very historic because the appointment of this Orhionmwon born politician into that top office has automatically set in motion the rebirth of a vibrant commission poised to guarantee sustainable development in the Niger Delta.
This appointment came at a time when everyone thought the Commission has outlived it responsibilities and has failed to deliver on the core purpose for establishment.
Dr. Pius Odubu a man of peace and grace who served excellently as a two time member of the House of Representatives, a two time deputy Governor who does not only have the necessary political experience to transform the commission, but also well placed intellectually, socially, strategically and physically to guarantee a turn around in the Commission.
Dr. Pius Odubu, a doctor of Law, born without a silver spoon but took the road less travelled by;and and today the difference is clear. He is humble to the core, charismatic with an uncommon mien of Calmness and Loyalty,which some persons who really don’t know him have wrongly represented to be dullness.
This appointment is a hope for a true renaissance of the Niger Delta as the right man for the job has arrived, his arrival brings on board endless possibilities for the men, women, youths and children from the rich Oil region. It is time to rejoice and celebrate for the set time to favour Niger Delta people have not only come but the right man God wants to use to favour the region has come.