Ekiti: Countdown to 100 days in office.
Reliably informed the governor and his able team are bearly getting 5 hours sleep daily…
Consultations, Reviews and Planning sessions in order to allign Report from Transition Committee to reality on ground are constantly ongoing…. Cognisant that virtually every component part of ekiti society contributed to the formulation of the Report through submitted papers/petitions and physical presentations.
No sector will be left behind, all Lifes must be positively impacted as humanly possible through good governance within the shortest period.
Erstwhile overlooked Federal Government Assisted Collaborative Opportunities will open greater networks resultant in mitigating poverty amongst those hard-pressed in the lower and lowest strata of our many communities at both rural and urban settlements.
FDI in areas of quick wins for every community will kick start Ekiti Economy, thereby exposing hardworking ekiti citizenry (Home & Away) to greater and wider opportunities to better living standards.
Be reminded of this African proverb – that “when a needle falls into a deep well, many people will look into the well, but few will be ready to go down after it”. Few are willing to walk the talk, to go the extra mile that success demands. Few are willing to go down the deep well.
Ekiti will harvest bountifully…
JKF/APC will succeed!!!